Originally posted on Sixtyandme.com What’s Good About Downsizing Your Home? It Could Be Getting to Enough. As my regular readers know, last year I went through a major downsizing of my large home and moved into a very small apartment. It was hard. At times, very hard. I even wrote a book about it called […]
The Hardest Part of Downsizing: Letting Go of Treasured Things
Originally posted on Sixtyandme.com The Hardest Part of Downsizing: Letting Go of Treasured Things The question I hear most often when I’m talking with people who are in the middle of a major downsizing or are getting ready to downsize is, “How can I get rid of things that are very, very important to me?” […]
Downsizing Your Home: The Discomfort of Uncertainty
Originally posted on Sixtyandme.com Downsizing Your Home: The Discomfort of Uncertainty The only thing in life that’s certain is that nothing in life but death is certain. Now that’s not very comfortable for most of us. We tend to be most comfortable living with the illusion of certainty. I think one of the things that […]
Staying Downsized: Always Having Just Enough
Originally posted on Sixtyandme.com Downsizing your home is one thing. Staying downsized is an entirely different thing. You’ve gone through the incredibly hard process of downsizing your house to a smaller place, maybe a much smaller place. You’ve moved, organized things, and figured out just where to put everything you took with you. And if […]
Downsizing Your Home After 60: Don’t Let Change Keep You From Living the Life You Want
Originally posted on Sixtyandme.com Everyone resists change… Change is very hard… Real change takes a long time… We hear things like these all the time. Are they true? Well, maybe and maybe not. Like lots of things, “It depends.” Change Is Everywhere There are some big changes we make on a dime, like setting the […]
The Importance of Humor While Downsizing Your Home
Originally posted on Sixtyandme.com Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. Mark Twain in “What Paul Bourget Thinks of Us” Does this sound impossible to do? How can I […]