Originally posted on Sixtyandme.com A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.From the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu From my experience I think a major downsizing of your home can seem like an even bigger undertaking than a thousand mile trip. Give me a choice, and I’ll take the trip! Last […]
Struggling to Manage Your Home? Downsizing Could be the Answer
Originally posted on Sixty and Me.com “What do I want to do with my life?” That’s an overwhelming question. When I think of asking myself that question, all kinds of things pop up: How do I know? Who knows? If I knew that, I’d be doing it. It’s too big to even think about. Along […]
Why Do I Keep Accumulating Stuff?
Originally posted on www.sixtyandme.com Simplifying, downsizing, decluttering. . . these topics seem to be very popular right now. Why is this such an issue for so many people? When I went through a major downsizing last year, one of the things I learned was that I needed a very small percentage of the things that […]
Downsizing Your Home: Getting Ready to Live
I had just finished a book reading at a local bookstore, and the first question came from a man who was sitting toward the back of the room. He said that he had begun a “small downsizing,” and that the first question he got from a neighbor was “Are you getting ready to die?” Everyone […]
Downsizing Your Home is Easier When You’re Facing the Right Direction
Originally posted on www.sixtyandme.com Over the weekend, I was riding my bike to one of my favorite coffee shops, which is only about 10 miles away, so it’s usually an easy ride. But on this day, the wind was blowing “like spit,” as my grandmother used to say. (Do you ever think about things people […]
The Upside to Downsizing – How You Can Love Life With Less
Originally posted on www.sixtyandme.com While sorting through my inbox, I came across one email with the subject line “Loving Life with Less.” Given my interest in downsizing, I was very excited to read it. Yes! I thought. That’s exactly the goal. And then I began to think about how that really felt, and I wasn’t sure that it […]